

Jean Pierre Mutuale Mukadi Mpaka

Deputy Managing Director

Backed by years of expertise in Congolese financial and economic institutions, Jean-Pierre Mutuale is the Deputy Director-General of the Rawji Foundation.

Jean Pierre graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the National University of Congo in 1973. He then went on to work at Banque Commerciale du Congo (BCDC) for 28 years, where he rose to the ranks of Deputy Director of BCDC. In 2002, he participated in the launch of Rawbank, and in 2019 he retired from his role as Deputy Director-General  at Rawbank. Currently, Jean-Pierre is a director at Rawsur SA and Rawsur Life.

Jean-Pierre joined the Foundation in September 2019, where he participates in the management of the Rawji Foundation, collaborates closely with the board of directors, and engages in funding decisions granted by the Rawji Foundation.


Dahlia Rawji

Strategic Advisor, Board Member

Having grown up between Prague and Kinshasa, Dahlia realized the economic disparity between her two hometowns at an early age, which instilled her desire to support marginalized communities. Inspired by her family's legacy that has touched thousands of lives across generations through education opportunities and financial grants, she became invested in developing solutions to overcome the challenges of marginalized people in less economically developed countries.

Dahlia received an M.S. in Nonprofit Management from Columbia University, and a B.A. in Economics & Middle Eastern Studies from Wellesley College.

Dahlia began her nonprofit career by working in the non-profit space in Boston, Bombay, and New York. In 2020, she turned her focus back home to amplify her family's impact through their commitment to corporate social responsibility. In her eyes, innovative educational approaches are the key to empowering and uplifting people and breaking poverty cycles for current and future generations.


Nadine Djoko Walapa


Nadine is a licensed Executive Secretary who has been with the Rawji Foundation since 2012. Her role involves taking responsibility for all administrative tasks, which involves engaging beneficiaries and stakeholders.

Nadine has worked as an administrator in higher education and other non-profits, including the University of Kinshasa and the Nouveau Programme de Troisième Cycle Interuniversitaire.


Edouard Mampasi Mavitu

Assistant Administrator

Edouard's role at the foundation includes supporting the work of the Executive Secretary and taking charge of all accounting matters.

Edouard has a degree in Physical Sciences and IT and has been with the foundation since 2012.

Edouard's vast array of experience spans several institutions. He worked as the accounting secretary at the Nouveau Programme de Troisième Cycle Interuniversitaire, head of the IT center at Complexe Scolaire de Gombele, and Deputy Head of IT at Trinity 3 SPRL.


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